Category: finance

Demystifying Macroeconomics: A Brief Insight

Ever wondered how experts look at the big picture of a country's money matters? That's where macroeconomics comes in. Let's explore the basics of …

Ankit Rath

Purchasing Power: Navigating the Economics of Spending

Purchasing power is a core economic concept that significantly impacts our day-to-day lives. This blog provides a concise exploration of the importance of purchasing …

Ankit Rath

Investing for the Middle Class: Building Financial Success

In the pursuit of financial stability, the middle class plays a pivotal role in the global economy. This blog explores the importance of investing …

Ankit Rath

Finance: Budgeting 101.

In this era, proper financial knowledge is quite necesary. We still have a lot to learn about budgeting and investing. It could do wonders …

Ankit Rath